If in Doubt, Consult the Manual…

(Or, How to Post a Comment on a WordPress blog)

Judging by the amount of traffic this site is getting it seems increasingly apparent that there is a lot of interest in the topic of KS3 curriculum change and PLTs. To this point I have been pulling together little bits and pieces that are really no more than signposts and maps for what kind of foundations the new curriculum will develop from. If there were more hours in the day I assure you there would be a lot more posts made, however until I get that particular motion passed you’re going to be stuck with the pages and topics I happen to be working with at a given time. Unless. . . .

I would imagine that a number of educationalists are still living in the glorious ICT hey- days when Windows had less icons, the Internet started and ended with Yahoo and a virus was something your granny got just after Christmas every year. If that is you, read on. If not please just register and post a comment. You can stop reading now! Go on…bad teaching

If you’re still reading you may not be familiar with the intimate workings of a blog. A blog is a website that is incredibly easy to write (If you can use Word, you can write a blog and have your own page on the Internet for people from New Guinea to Newport Pagnell to find whenever they Google the relevant words!). The good thing about blogs is that unlike standard web pages that are limited to being written by just one person, with a blog you are free to add your own comments, questions, suggested links, etc. It might be that another user gives you a response or answer that solves your problem. Alternatively it could be that the author (in this case, yours truly) writes a new post in response. Regardless, the content of the blog is dynamic and largely interactive. And this is where you come in. . .

I see a lot of people are hitting this page via Google and other related searches but as yet we are lacking in comments. I want to know what YOU want to know. I want to know what YOU need help with. I want to know how YOU are finding the process of curriculum development. I want to know that SOMEONE is out there!! So here’s what you can do:

1. Click on the heading of a post that you are interested in.

2. Scroll to the bottom and here you will find options to write a comment on this particular post.

3. Provide minimal details to allow you to post (this is just to deter unpleasant software writers who write code that automatically sends junk comments to good citizens’ blogs!)

4. Post your questions, comments, suggestions or words, even if its just to say Hi and where you’re from(!) and either myself or another user will provide feedback as quick as you can say “I just posted my first blog comment and have the scars to prove it”image

Does that seem reasonable? You tell me and the rest of the good people who pop by what you’re looking for or where you’re plans are up to and we get back to you with our take on things. Try it . . .you might like it!